Concept and prototyping
We help you to formulate your ideas and quickly turn them into tangible prototypes.
Requirement management
For a project to be successful, it is crucial to engage with all possible users of a product right from the start. Each of our projects begins with a detailed requirements analysis. This serves to further elaborate the idea together, to concretise vague ideas and to prioritise wishes. Moderated workshops help to gather information and discuss important questions.
- What does the end user expect?
- What does the service technician need?
- What is the sales department thinking about?
- What does production, IT and management need?
In the process, we create a common understanding of the problem and agreement on the project goals. Subsequently, the individual requirements are defined, analysed and prioritised as completely as possible, in detail and on the basis of measurable parameters. In addition, important technical, organisational and economic framework conditions are determined. A description of all terms used in the project helps to avoid potential misunderstandings from the outset.

Your advantages
- Professional workshops with all stakeholders
- Common understanding of the task
- Creating transparency about the scope but also the limits of the system
- Comprehensive, targeted documentation of the specification
Development plan
You want an innovative solution for your idea at the best price-performance ratio? We show you alternative solutions and help you to base decisions on facts.
There are usually several, different ways to solve a task. The development concept serves to discuss, elaborate and agree HOW the task will be solved. Systematic and methodical evaluation is one of the essential features of modern product development. We break down your task into logical sub-functions and create a common understanding of what possible solutions there are. The solution variants are considered holistically and prioritised.
The possible division into hardware and software components is analysed. Cost drivers are identified and the necessary internal and external resources are examined. Illustrative functional models and prototypes help to quickly understand the advantages and disadvantages of individual solution variants. Feedback is obtained from project participants and end customers.
With this basis, a decision is made on the best technical and economic solution. Legal issues such as licences, standards and laws are also taken into account.

Your benefits
- Technology consulting with many years of experience from countless industrial projects
- Clear basis for decision-making for further development steps
- Optimum price-performance ratio for your product
- Together we find the most innovative and economical solution
Paper is patient. More meaningful are vivid mock-ups and prototypes that you can hold in your hands. Only in this way is it possible to quickly work out and refine the product idea through tests and trials. The advantages and disadvantages of individual solution variants are quickly understood. Field tests with potential end users lead quickly and easily to essential improvements and enhancements in the planned product. Modern prototyping tools from high-speed milling machines to 3D printers, modular hardware and software components enable rapid results and short design cycles.

Your benefits
- Fast prototyping with proven hardware and software modules
- Software development parallel to hardware development with the Ginzinger Development Kits
- High-speed milling and 3D printer for housing and mechanics