Full speed ahead with Linux
A software error in the existing embedded Linux platform of a new product from AVL DiTEST led to problems shortly before the market launch. But an error in the system can also have a connecting effect - So in the case of AVL DiTEST and Ginzinger electronic systems.

AVL DiTEST follows the same philosophy as Ginzinger and relies on fully integrated platforms with the open source software Linux as operating system for its products. In 2016, the relationship between the two companies intensified.
AVL DiTest GmbH
AVL DiTEST, based in Graz (Austria), has been successfully providing automotive diagnostic and measurement solutions for the automotive after sales sector worldwide for 20 years and is considered a pioneer in its industry. Approximately 320 employees ensure AVL DiTEST's status as a technology leader and reliable partner for automotive workshops and test centers. The spectrum of AVL DiTEST ranges from exhaust gas measurement for gasoline and diesel engines, air conditioning service, measurement technology for the automotive sector, to automotive diagnostic systems and high-voltage measurement technology units for e-mobility. Independent workshops (e.g. ADAC or ÖAMTC) as well as authorized workshops of well-known vehicle manufacturers rely on the devices of AVL DiTEST.
In the development area, the company cooperates with well-known manufacturers such as VW, BMW, Jaguar, Land Rover or the Austrian motorcycle manufacturer KTM. For the industrialization of embedded systems for its products, AVL DiTest relied on the cooperation with Ginzinger electronic systems.

Linux Support

EMS producer for AVL DiTEST
Long term partnership
For more than 10 years Ginzinger electronic systems is partner of AVL DiTEST and produces as EMS service provider various electronic assemblies for AVL DiTEST products for exhaust gas measurement. The development of the assemblies takes place at AVL DiTEST. There they have been using embedded platforms for their own devices for several years. AVL DiTEST follows the same philosophy as Ginzinger and relies on fully integrated platforms with the open source software Linux as operating system. In 2016, the relationship between the two companies intensified.

"Competent and innovative partners like Ginzinger electronic systems, among others, are the cornerstone for our high-quality products."
Fast & competent support
As is naturally the case with most development projects, time was pressing at AVL DiTEST. The market launch of a new product was imminent. Since troubleshooting the Linux software of an AVL DiTEST product had not yielded the desired result, the company decided to call in external consultants. In addition to its expertise as an EMS service provider, Ginzinger electronic systems has a development department with many years of experience in embedded Linux system development. So it was obvious for AVL DiTEST to seek advice from Ginzinger. It was decided to jointly get to the bottom of the cause of the technical difficulties.
the core of all evil
In summer 2016, Linux consulting for AVL DiTEST started at Ginzinger electronic systems. One started with the evaluation of the Linux system. In the course of a joint analysis, it turned out relatively quickly that the problems lay in the depths of the operating system of the Linux kernel. The Ginzinger project team was able to discover and isolate the error. It was located in the Linux kernel. The cause was the driver for a coprocessor of the TI core used. This made the system unstable and very sluggish. The cause of the error was permanently eliminated with a bug fix.

"Although Ginzinger's embedded Linux platforms are based on NXP processors, we were able to help AVL DiTEST with its problem with the TI architecture and find and fix the error in the peripheral driver. The development competence built up over decades through the company's own Linux distribution GELin, the know-how in the kernel and driver area, and the knowledge of the hardware made this possible".
Linux specialist Ginzinger
Three decades of know-how
Since Ginzinger also has three decades of hardware expertise, the embedded Linux specialist was called in again for advice at a later date. It was about a hardware problem of the touch display in another AVL-DiTEST product. This product was already established on the market. In this case, the touch display hung up in the middle of operation and no longer functioned. The hardware development team was able to find the cause after several tests and measurements. By optimizing a software driver, it was then possible to ensure the stability of the resistive touch during operation.
operation. This is a good example of how hardware can be made to work (again) with the help of software.

"Ginzinger has built up a huge amount of know-how over decades through countless customer projects in a wide range of industries. This is the case on the one hand in software, example: own embedded Linux distribution GELin. Verified, qualified concepts and technologies are bundled here. In hardware, too, we have a great deal of knowledge at our disposal, from design, to power electronics, to special knowledge such as EMC. The fact that we are not "just" a component manufacturer and EMS service provider has already convinced many customers to rely on our experience. "
Shared know-how for strong products
The joint project resulted in a close cooperation between AVL DiTEST and Ginzinger electronic systems. The combined expertise enabled AVL DiTEST to develop robust, stable and durable customer devices and successfully bring them to market. The combination of hardware and software development at AVL DiTEST with three decades of know-how in assembly manufacturing at Ginzinger electronic systems is ideal for AVL DiTEST and represents a major asset.
"We appreciate the cooperation with Ginzinger as a reliable partner, which meets our high quality requirements for industrialization and series transition."
The cooperation with AVL DiTEST shows that there are many advantages when the EMS service provider also knows about software and hardware development. The combination of hardware and software development
from a single source, coupled with decades of know-how in the production of electronic assemblies, represents the optimal solution for customers to quickly realize stable, industry-ready products.
Program errors or software errors or software anomaly, often also called bug, are terms from the software technology, with which for software system components deviations from a demanded or desired target state are designated.
Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) refers to the ability of a technical device not to disturb other devices by unwanted electrical or electromagnetic effects or to be disturbed by other devices.
A kernel, also operating system kernel, is the central component of an operating system. It defines the process and data organization on which all other software components of the operating system are based. It forms the lowest software layer of the system and has direct access to the hardware.