

Insights into the dual study program at Ginzinger

Jakob Moser is currently completing the dual study program “Hardware Software Design” at the FH Hagenberg and shares his experiences for all those who are also interested in a dual education.

The combination of theory and practice - that is what characterizes the dual study program at Ginzinger electronic systems in cooperation with Hagenberg University of Applied Sciences. But what does that mean in concrete terms? We asked Jakob Moser, currently a student and employee at Ginzinger. He is completing the dual study program “Hardware Software Design” at Hagenberg University of Applied Sciences and shares his experiences and tips for all those who would also like to take this path.

About Jakob Moser

Jakob found his way to Ginzinger electronic systems after graduating from the HTL Braunau in 2022 in the mobile computing branch after the army and started working at Ginzinger electronic systems as a holiday intern. He first became aware of Ginzinger at the HTL job fair in Braunau.

The course of the dual study program

The Hardware Software Design course at Hagenberg University of Applied Sciences is available in full-time and dual study formats. The training and professional qualification for the dual degree course correspond to those of the full-time Bachelor's degree course of the same name and extend over six semesters. Around 15 students are currently completing the dual study program in this branch of study. From the third semester onwards, study and practical phases alternate so that students can apply their theoretical knowledge directly in the company.

“From fall 2024, I will start my third semester, which will be shortened to three months at the UAS. After that, I will switch back to Ginzinger. The advantages of this model are obvious: it's not just the theoretical learning, which can often be very monotonous. By directly applying theory in practice, you understand much better why you are learning certain topics in the first place. The direct practical relevance means that the entire scope of a project quickly becomes clear - from conception to implementation.”

Jakob Moser
Student / Hardwareentwicklung at Ginzinger

Advantages & challenges

For Jakob, the dual study program has numerous advantages: “You benefit enormously from working in the company and vice versa. It's definitely easier to start your career, and of course you're also guaranteed a salary during your studies.” Added to this is the insight into the entire project process at Ginzinger, where both hardware and software development are united under one roof - an advantage that larger companies often cannot offer.

Of course, there are also challenges: “The third semester is shortened and some content is therefore omitted. So you have to be disciplined and well organized to get everything under one roof,” Jakob emphasizes. Nevertheless, the advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages for him.

Jakob's tips for anyone interested in a dual study program are clear: “The best thing to do is visit the open day at the UAS (Hagenberg) and get in touch directly with the contact person responsible for the dual study program. It is also important to contact potential companies directly and show interest.”

Find out more about the degree program

Current projects

Jakob is already fully involved in customer projects at Ginzinger and is actively working on the commissioning of a customer processor platform. He is primarily supported by Stefan Knauseder, Head of Hardware Development at Ginzinger.

“I am currently writing a script for functional tests of sample assemblies in order to reduce manual work and automate the commissioning process ,” reports Jakob. Such projects not only offer him valuable practical experience, but also a deep insight into the real requirements and challenges of the industry.

It remains to be seen what will happen after the six semesters. “Maybe I'll do a Master's in Embedded Systems Design. In any case, the possibilities are endless,” concludes Jakob.

Dual study program at Ginzinger - your chance!

The dual study program at Ginzinger electronic systems offers an exciting combination of theory and practice, which makes it easier to enter professional life and provides valuable experience in the field of hardware and software development. Jakob's insights make it clear: if you are interested in technology and innovation and are looking for practical training, the dual study program is just right for you!

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