Focus on employee health
In 2024, Ginzinger electronic has dedicated itself entirely to the topic of health.

In 2023, Ginzinger electronic systems set its focus on substainability. It was an important step that brought with it numerous positive changes: from a reduction in plastic packaging in shipping, the installation of a PV system or the first Ginzinger Repair Cafe, which we organized.
Health will play a central role in the new year.
"After a year that was all about sustainability and which we will continue to place great emphasis on, we are now focusing on health. After all, the health of our employees is crucial for our joint success and for the personal well-being of everyone at our company.
We want 2024 to be a year in which we grow not only as a company, but also as a community by working together on this issue."
Ginzinger electronic systems will be fully committed to this important area and is planning a series of measures, events and campaigns to focus on the health and well-being of its employees. The initiatives range from health workshops and seminars to sporting activities and excursions, all aimed at creating a deeper awareness of health issues and offering practical solutions for a healthier lifestyle. The company aims to promote not only the physical but also the mental well-being of its employees.

2024 promises to be an exciting year, demonstrating that Ginzinger electronic systems not only offers its employees a secure workplace, but also a platform for personal growth and well-being. Because: "Health is not everything, but without health everything is nothing." (A. Schopenhauer).