Ginzinger supports World Robot Olympiad Austria (WRO)
Ginzinger electronic systems supports the World Robot Olympiad (WRO) Austria since several years. The goal is to motivate children and young people for technology, programming and robotics already at a young age.

Getting started in technology with LEGO Mindstorms
Ginzinger electronic systems supports the Techno-Z Braunau as organizer of the World Robot Olympiad (WRO) Austria since several years as sponsor. The goal is to motivate children and young people for technology, programming and robotics at a young age. This was also the case on June 30, 2022 at the WRO Austria competition in Braunau am Inn, where ten school teams competed against each other to qualify for the world finals in November in Dortmund (D).
Since the end of 2018, Techno-Z Braunau has organized the World Robot Olympiad (WRO) Austria and is supported by the local economy. Ginzinger electronic systems has been a sponsor and supporter of the LEGO League Braunau for several years. Teams of students build and program Lego Mindstorms robots with EV3 Education Sets. Afterwards, they have to solve various tasks with them at competitions. With its "Mindstorms" series, the toy manufacturer LEGO has been offering its own construction kits since the end of the 1990s, with which children, young people and adults interested in technology are introduced to the basics of robotics and programming in a playful way.
Drives, color, light, touch and infrared sensors, combined with corresponding program blocks, make up a Lego robot that performs various tasks.

Qualification for the World Final
On June 30, 2022, the second Austria competition of the WRO took place in the event center Braunau am Inn. Ten teams from the provinces, as well as a guest team from the Ukraine, took on the challenge of solving various tasks and building Lego Mindstorms robots.
Under the motto "My robot - my friend", the participants solved various tasks on June 30. Depending on the age group, there were courses of varying difficulty. At the beginning of the competition, there was a surprise task that had to be mastered and solved at short notice in addition to the annual task already known in advance. Highly concentrated, the children and young people set to work to win a title.

Afterwards, the winners of the World Robot Olympiad in Austria 2022 were determined. The following teams have qualified for the world finals in Dortmund from November 17 to 19, 2022:
- Elementary age group (8-12 years): Aqua-Bots of the middle school Riedau
- Junior age group (13 - 16 years): Eisbärlis of the middle school Riedau
- Senior age group (17-19 years): Robo Makers of Ukraine and Oachkatzlschwoaf of HTL Braunau, respectively.
We would like to congratulate the winning teams and wish them all the best for the world championship in November 2022. We are looking forward to continuing our support of WRO Austria in the future and bringing the topics of programming, robotics and automation closer to students.