Overview of open-source operating systems
Linux, Zephyr, TheradX and FreeRTOS - Which System is Right for Your Embedded Development Needs?

The world of embedded systems and the Internet of Things (IoT) is all about efficiency, real-time capability and security. Open-source operating systems such as Linux, Zephyr, FreeRTOS and ThreadX provide developers with the tools they need to meet these requirements. They enable devices to be made smarter, faster and more connected. But which system is the right one? Let's compare.
Open Source (GPL, LGPL)
Target devices:
Powerful hardware such as industrial PCs and complex IoT devices
Real-time capability:
Limited (with RT preemption)
Resource requirements:
High (high RAM and storage requirements)
Very flexible thanks to modular design and large community
Driver support:
Comprehensive, available for almost all hardware
Community and support:
Very large, extensive documentation and global support
Suitable for complex applications with multitasking and network protocols
Examples of applications:
IoT gateways, sophisticated GUIs, networks, smart devices

Open Source (Apache 2.0)
Target devices:
Resource-efficient embedded systems, especially for IoT
Real-time capability:
Very good, real-time RTOS
Resource requirements:
Modular and scalable
Driver support:
Good, but less comprehensive than Linux
Community and support:
Fast-growing community, well documented
For small to medium-sized systems that have high real-time requirements
Examples of applications:
IoT devices, sensors, wearables, smart home devices

Open Source (MIT)
Target devices:
Real-time and safety-critical systems, such as medical technology and aviation
Real-time capability:
Excellent, real-time optimization
Resource requirements:
Flexible, but limited by the still-recent proprietary approach
Driver support:
Depends on the platform
Community and support:
emerging and growing through the still recently proprietary approach
For safety-critical and real-time systems of medium to high complexity
Examples of applications:
IoT devices, aircraft systems, medical devices

Open Source (MIT)
Target devices:
Resource-constrained microcontrollers and simple IoT devices
Real-time capability:
Good, real-time capabilities for simple applications
Resource requirements:
Very low
Modular and easy to adapt
Driver support:
Good, but heavily focused on microcontroller hardware
Community and support:
Large, broad developer base
For simple and medium-sized applications with low resource requirements
Examples of applications:
IoT devices, microcontroller-based applications

The choice of the appropriate system depends heavily on the requirements of your application. For maximum flexibility and industrial durability, the embedded Linux distribution GELIn from Ginzinger electronic systems has been used for many years in countless customer projects and has proven itself. GELin combines the adaptability of Linux with specially developed features for embedded systems and customer-specific HMIs.
When standard solutions reach their limits, the strengths of customized approaches often become apparent. GELin is a distribution for customer-specific embedded hardware-software platforms that has been proven for over 15 years.